"No Army can fight on an empty stomach, and no soldier can fight unless he is fit." -Sir Winston Churchill

Are you tired of all the Aviator wearing, cigar smoking, and oversupplied units out there? Have you been wanting to do something different that keeps you from going out and eating McDonald's at living history events? Do you like to wake up early and go to bed late? If you answered yes to any of these questions then our Quartermaster Corps Field Kitchen might be what you are looking for.
Our Mess Sergeant and his team have worked for over 12 years to put together the most authentic WWII Field Kitchen in the U.S. If you want to be a part of a unit that does the way it was done during the war, then look no further. Be a part of a crusty old brotherhood that is next to none.
What does it Take?
Being a part of the Mess Section is not easy. Most of the time we work harder than the infantry section. Some duties are,
Tear down and set up of the kitchen at events
Waking up early and going to be late
Scrubbing pots and pans (the infantry section helps with this)
Meal prep ( slicing, dicing, cracking, and whisking)
Pumping up the 37 Range Stoves with a WWII bicycle pump
If this scares you then we aren't what you are looking for. If you got excited reading the list then continue on.

We are the focal point of our units impression. The first interaction visitors have with what has become one of the most authentic camps at WWII Days in Rockford, IL.
We enjoy cooking recipes from the issued cookbook, as well as some of our own creations. Sgt. Byron Cooky Vinyard leads our team and sets the menu in advance of our events.
If you think you have what it takes to feed the 34th Infantry, then fill out the contact form and we will be in touch.
Contact Form
Thank You to Our Generous Supporters
Like any infantry section, we are only as effective as our support element. Thank you to those who help to ensure history is not forgotten.
Rockford, Illinois
Clark Self
Welding Services
Steeleville, Illinois
Mr. John Maxton
Swansea, Illinois

Store #1490 Rockford, ILL